cfed is a totally independent provider of engaging and empowering Financial Education and coaching in the workplace. Being 100% independent makes us different. It allows us to focus on your employee and what’s best for them.
Our presenters are all experienced and inspirational Finance Coaches with a passion for encouraging individuals to make better educated financial decisions for themselves.
We do this by delivering our jargon free, engaging Financial Education program which focuses on giving your people the knowledge to understand previously mysterious subjects like pensions or mortgages and then teach them the skills to make their own choices.
We think that’s better than being sold to.
cfed will not sell any financial products or advice to your employees.
If you are an employer that is genuinely interested in the well-being of your people you will probably be interested in our program and the proven outcomes it will deliver for your employees and your organisation.
This is actively investing in people.
You may be a corporate organisation with many employees and locations, a small firm with one site and a few employees, or anywhere in between. It doesn’t matter, we can build a program that suits you and your team, and our goal remains the same:
“To empower your employees with the knowledge and tools they need to understand and deal with the financial issues that they will face in their day to day lives.”
Because our program can cover a wide range of financial areas it will work at all levels. You will be surprised at the difference it can make to your people and the buzz it can create around your organisation. Yes, it’s hard to believe you can get a buzz from the usually dry subject of finance.
So don’t take our word for it. Listen to what our clients have to say and the results we can achieve.
- Budgeting
- Mortgages
- Retirement Planning
- Dealing with Debt
- Pensions
- Money Saving Tips
- Redundancy
- Savings
- Credit File
- Insurance
- Credit Cards
- And much more
Unique Proposition
As long ago as 2006 C.I.P.D described Financial Education in the Workplace as a “WIN-WIN PROPOSITION”, but how should it be delivered and who should we trust to deliver it? Well you’ll be unsurprised to hear that we think cfed is the best answer in most cases.
Jargon-Free Seminars and Workshops
Our programmes are bespoke designed to suit each group of delegates but would normally include the most common financial areas. Often Employers will ask us to focus more on certain areas like the impact of newly introduced pension rules.
One to Ones
This is the area where we really help people get to grips with individual financial challenges. These meetings are confidential so very powerful. They are designed to get individuals to open up and deal with issues that they may be struggling to understand.
Continued Support
There are a number of ways we can provide continued support for employees. One of the most popular is what we call Open Access. In simple terms it means that your people can have access the Financial Education team at the point in time that is relevant to them and their individual finances.